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  • micahwegeleben

9 - Module 4 Progress Report

  • Where should you be in your research journey (refer back to the plan you formulated in week 3)? Are you there?

I have finished up my researching, and just as the standard plan I set out to follow says, I am on track. I will soon begin evaluating my sources.

  • What issues did you hit, and what is your plan to overcome them?

I had no issues this week. However, this was the week I changed my Research Question: How does the effects of AI on Education Compare to the Effects of Internet Searching? I want to ask this question because I find AI to be less useful of a tool in its current state than others give it credit for. Why? Because you can already use Google!

  • What did you do to make progress this week? Is it more, or less, than you expected to do (use last week's items to guide this)

By the end of this week, I expected to be in a position where my research had been finalized and I could begin putting all my pieces together. While I do not feel I quite reached that goal, I am in a comfortable place where I feel I COULD start if I wanted to. I have chosen to spend a little extra time gathering up sources for my paper and to continue to follow the standard structure laid out in Week 3:

  • week 1: topic (done)

  • week 2: thesis (done)

  • weeks 3-4: searching (now)

  • weeks 4-5: reading and evaluating

  • weeks 6-8: outlining and drafting

  • week 9: draft, presentation

  • week 10: paper, publication

  • What do you expect to do next week?

As I have chosen to adhere to the standard plan, and that I am happy with the sources I have gathered thanks to Justin Lewis, I will truly begin my dive into evaluating each source I have, and beginning to picture how I will piece them together to add structure to my research.

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