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  • micahwegeleben

16 - Week 7 Journal Entry

Q: Think back on your prior assumptions before you began the research--use your earlier journal-writing. What pre-held opinions matched your interpretation of research material and which opinions were divergent?

A: There are many assumptions I made throughout this project that I later didn't follow through with. For example, in one of my earliest journal entrys, I mentioned that I intended to use Zotero as a bibliography source. While initially true, I found that I did not require any more advanced source handling than a notepad and minor annotations. Every writer is different and it's simply what I found that worked for me. However, that is but a minor assumption. The biggest and most major part of my project that I decided upon early on that ended up changing was my thesis. I had set out to write a paper on comparing the cultural impact of AI on education to the impact of several technologies throughout history, which had begun to reveal itself to me as too broad for what I had envisioned. So, I narrowed this thesis, and have since settled on the succinct, "how does the impact of an AI LLM on education compare to that of Google?" I want to know if AI is really that big of a deal, or if we have had what AI currently provides for a long time. The last, and most disappointing assumption I made, was that I would be able to sit down and converse with the Olympic College AI Ambassador Justin Lewis. To no fault of his own, I failed to properly schedule a time to sit with him. However, reaching out to him via email still proved to be invaluable as he provided me with a slew of sources that I still use in my final paper. I recognize that my paper would have been better, though, if I had completed this interview and had been able to use him as a direct source. A part of my paper that I had cast to the wayside was personal, 1-on-1 interviews with different demographics (especially those who remember the advent of Google). While I believe this would be powerful for my paper, it did not end up being work I set out to do.

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