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  • micahwegeleben

11 - Module 5 Progress Report

Your weekly progress report needs to address these points:

  • Where should you be in your research journey (refer back to the plan you formulated in week 3)? Are you there?

  • What issues did you hit, and what is your plan to overcome them?

  • What did you do to make progress this week? Is it more, or less, than you expected to do (use last week's items to guide this)

  • What do you expect to do next week?

According to my plan I decided upon in my week 3 journal: by week five I should be finishing up my "reading and evaluating" stage of my research. However, I have quickly discovered that I am falling behind. And that, of course, is an issue. I have taken a step back and realized that I need to begin progressing at a quicker pace. The next three weeks will be all about "outlining and drafting," which means I will need to be ready to write. Finishing out this week, and continuing into week six, I will be finishing my readings and getting myself in the most comfortable position possible to write.

Just like this week, an important aspect of my work will be evaluating my sources, reading them thoroughly, and forever deciding upon what to rely on for my research. For example, one source I have, from, delves into the ways search engines changed the way we researched and thought. That will be an important article to focus on for my paper, as it directly ties into my thesis question.

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